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Men's Group


The Men's Group meets once a month in the Library for conversation and fellowship. We meet on the first Monday of each month, at 7P.

Please join us, and for more information, please contact Allan Miles.

Women's Breakfast Group


On the 2nd Thursday of each month at 8 a,m, Trinity women meet for breakfast at the Oak Tree Restaurant. The numbers vary depending on who’s out of town etc. but we have had as many as 12 and as few as 2. The conversation is lively and we catch up on parish news, books, plays, etc. The food is good, the coffee never-ending and the wait person remembers everyone’s regular orders. What’s not to like?


Trinity Episcopal Church in Ashland is part of the Episcopal Church of the United States and the Worldwide Anglican Communion. Together with our sisters and brothers in 165 countries around the globe, we celebrate the teachings of Christ.




44 North Second Street

Ashland, Oregon 97520

Core Values:

To proclaim by word, sacrament and example the Good News of God in Jesus Christ; To seek and serve Christ in all persons;  To strive for justice, peace, reconciliation, and the healing of the world; To care for one another and stranger alike.

~ Openness

~ Compassion

~ Generosity

~ Hospitality

~ Reverence

To grow together in a shared life where we feel and express God's ever-present love, recognize grace in all creation, and hear with increasing clarity and heed God's call.

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