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The Outreach Distribution Committee

The main function of the Outreach Distribution Committee (ODC) is to recommend how the funds raised through the Party of Parties are distributed. The committee adheres to the mission of Trinity “to care for one another and stranger alike through compassion, generosity, openness and prayer” as it accepts requests for funding from non-profit organizations. The committee reviews the applications and interviews representatives from the organizations. By following the guidelines accepted by Trinity’s congregation, the committee thoughtfully considers organizations that provide:

           ~ direct service to those in need with an emphasis on women and children, and health
           ~ disaster relief
           ~ assistance programs sponsored or co-sponsored by Trinity Episcopal Church which involve

                hands-on participation of its members in service to the local community.


The committee forwards their recommendations to the Vestry with 80% of the available funds awarded to organizations within the Rogue Valley, and 20% of the funds awarded beyond the Rogue Valley, often worldwide.


Throughout the year, members of the committee share information about the recipients through articles in the monthly Trinitarian newsletter and by displaying physical thank you notes and reports from receiving organizations on a bulletin board in the parish hall.

If you are interested in learning more about ODC or serving on the committee, please contact Maureen Wilson-Jarrard, Chairperson.


Trinity Episcopal Church in Ashland is part of the Episcopal Church of the United States and the Worldwide Anglican Communion. Together with our sisters and brothers in 165 countries around the globe, we celebrate the teachings of Christ.




44 North Second Street

Ashland, Oregon 97520

Core Values:

To proclaim by word, sacrament and example the Good News of God in Jesus Christ; To seek and serve Christ in all persons;  To strive for justice, peace, reconciliation, and the healing of the world; To care for one another and stranger alike.

~ Openness

~ Compassion

~ Generosity

~ Hospitality

~ Reverence

To grow together in a shared life where we feel and express God's ever-present love, recognize grace in all creation, and hear with increasing clarity and heed God's call.

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