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Legacy Planning

In the Episcopal Church we believe your estate and end of life plans should reflect your values. That is why we suggest you consider these sections in the order presented.

1.   Taking care of yourself:

All of us will at some point reach the end of our days. In that time of turmoil your loved ones and health care providers will have to make some tough decisions for you. The State of Oregon strongly urges everyone to help their people by preparing an advanced directive for health care. This document will guide your caretakers and family through those decisions knowing your wishes. Learn More About this here:

2.   Planning your funeral:

We suggest you plan your funeral alongside writing your will. Your funeral can then be a reflection of your life, your values, and a message to your family and community of what was important to you.  Here is the form used by Trinity to help you:

3.   Writing your Will:

Perhaps the most important planning document you prepare is your Last Will and Testament. This document will appoint an agent to oversee the execution of your wishes after you are gone and leave instructions on how you wish your assets to be distributed. For many of us, this will be our legacy for our loved ones and our community. Once you gather the information you need to prepare your will, you will need to consult with your financial advisor, and it is advisable to retain a lawyer to prepare the document for you.

4.   Legacy Giving:

Plan for your distribution of assets by considering: the needs of and your desires for your family, individuals who are important to you, your church, community, and other institutions you want to support in a meaningful way.  Those who name Trinity as a beneficiary in their distribution will become members of Trinity's 1895 Legacy Society.


Trinity Episcopal Church in Ashland is part of the Episcopal Church of the United States and the Worldwide Anglican Communion. Together with our sisters and brothers in 165 countries around the globe, we celebrate the teachings of Christ.




44 North Second Street

Ashland, Oregon 97520

Core Values:

To proclaim by word, sacrament and example the Good News of God in Jesus Christ; To seek and serve Christ in all persons;  To strive for justice, peace, reconciliation, and the healing of the world; To care for one another and stranger alike.

~ Openness

~ Compassion

~ Generosity

~ Hospitality

~ Reverence

To grow together in a shared life where we feel and express God's ever-present love, recognize grace in all creation, and hear with increasing clarity and heed God's call.

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