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Finance Committee

We are blessed with a group of people with a wide range of business experience and several long-term members of our parish. Our current members are listed below, and I thank them for their participation.


The primary functions of the Finance Committee are as follows:

·        To review the monthly financials prepared by our Finance Administrator (Bev Ducey)

·        To oversee Counting of the Weekly Cash Plate and the Annual Audit

·        Prepare the Annual Budget for Vestry Approval and

·        Support/Make Recommendations to the Vestry on financial matters as needed.


Each month, we provide a brief financial update in the parish newsletter. In addition, the Finance Committee updated the 5-year Financial Strategic Plan in 2023 which was shared with the Parish and made a presentation at a Town Hall on Parish Finances.


Our monthly financial statements are printed and posted in the Parish Library for anyone to review.  We generally meet on the 3rd Tuesday afternoon of each month in the Parish Library and the meetings are open to the parish. Please let me know if you have any comments or questions for the Finance Committee.


Eileen Piker, Finance Committee Chair

The Vestry is the governing body of the parish and is composed of the Rector, ten elected members and an appointed Clerk The Vestry members are elected by the congregation each year at the Annual Parish Meeting. Terms of service vary from one year to three years. The Senior Warden is selected by the Rector. The Senior Warden is considered the Rector’s warden and assumes leadership of Vestry or parish meetings in the absence of the Rector, or at the request of the Rector. The Junior Warden is selected by the Vestry and serves in support of the Rector and the Senior Warden. The Junior Warden also oversees the work of property management of the Parish. The Clerk is selected and approved by the Vestry and records the minutes of the Vestry and Parish meetings and maintains the records of the church.

The Vestry regularly meets once a month, with the addition of special meetings as needed. Currently, the Vestry meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month, at 5:00 p.m. 


The Vestry meetings are open for parishioners to attend and the Vestry meeting minutes are available in the office, once approved.

Stewardship Committee

This committee plans and implements the Ministry Fair, the Spiritual Gifts Workshop and the Annual Stewardship Campaign.  We normally meet in March.  During the March meeting we will decide on the annual program and based on the requirements for the annual program we will set meeting schedule for the rest of the year.  We are always looking for new members with new ideas. Please contact Dean Economy if you would like to be added to the team.


Trinity Episcopal Church in Ashland is part of the Episcopal Church of the United States and the Worldwide Anglican Communion. Together with our sisters and brothers in 165 countries around the globe, we celebrate the teachings of Christ.




44 North Second Street

Ashland, Oregon 97520

Core Values:

To proclaim by word, sacrament and example the Good News of God in Jesus Christ; To seek and serve Christ in all persons;  To strive for justice, peace, reconciliation, and the healing of the world; To care for one another and stranger alike.

~ Openness

~ Compassion

~ Generosity

~ Hospitality

~ Reverence

To grow together in a shared life where we feel and express God's ever-present love, recognize grace in all creation, and hear with increasing clarity and heed God's call.

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